
cua day logo

Step Up To Clean Up

Clean Up Australia Day, Australia’s largest community-based environmental event, are encouraging Aussie locals, schools, and businesses to Step Up to Clean Up this year to help protect and conserve our  local environments. Clean Up Australia Chairman, Pip Kiernan, says now is the time for all Australians to Step Up to Clean Up, to help protect […]

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Royal Bull’s Head Inn March Open Day

Bring the family this open day to the Royal Bull’s Head Inn. The building and grounds will be open for viewing, come and explore the many rooms that seem as if their nineteenth-century occupants have never left. While there, you’ll find some artifacts and furniture used and loved by the members of the Lynch family. […]

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Ergon_Energy logo

Toowoomba’s Candid Camera Crims

Significantly increased real-time security cameras at Ergon Energy’s Toowoomba and surrounding depots have helped police catch potential thieves red-handed. The hapless crooks who’d been trying to get their hands on Ergon equipment were unaware every move they were making was being watched live by the companies’ security officers via state-of-the-art high-definition cameras and police were […]

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glennie school logo

Archbishop To Commission Glennie’s 14th Principal

The Glennie School Council has officially appointed Ms Mary Anne Evans to the position of Principal, a decision embraced by the student, staff and parent community. On Wednesday, 3rd March 2021, The Most Reverend Dr Phillip Aspinall, Archbishop of Brisbane will commission Ms Evans as the School’s 14th Principal at The Clive Berghofer Sports Centre. […]

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trc logo

Travelling Into The Toowoomba CBD?

Russell Street (Victoria Street to Ruthven Street, Toowoomba) is closed to eastbound traffic from 14/02/2021 until further notice. Traffic disruptions may occur during preparation for the Russell Streetscape upgrade. Signage and traffic management measures will be in place, as required. The upgrade will provide new pavement and footpaths, a tree-lined centre median from Victoria Street […]

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Good News For Chocolate-Lovers

Feeling bad about scoffing down all that Valentine’s Day chocolate? No need in future! Food scientists from the University of Southern Queensland have teamed up with chocolate-makers to invent a healthier alternative, removing the guilt from our favourite pleasure. Dominated by nutrient-rich, organic ingredients such as blueberries and macadamia nuts, the dark substitute is packed full of antioxidants. […]

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aacc sq

Aged Care Sector Unites

Over the past two decades, successive governments have failed to act on more than 20 independent reports signaling the need for major reform in aged care. We cannot allow this to continue. We all deserve to age in comfort and with dignity, wherever we live. Yet that right is being denied to some 1.3 million […]

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Healthy Living On A Budget

The Healthy Living on a Budget program provides participants with the power to make better lifestyle choices. This is our third year running this highly successful program in Toowoomba. It is a FREE PHN funded program and is open to all adults 18 – 80 years of age.Day:  Fridays starting March 5th for 6 weeks Time: […]

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