Clean Up Australia Day, Australia’s largest community-based environmental event, are encouraging Aussie locals, schools, and businesses to Step Up to Clean Up this year to help protect and conserve our local environments.

Clean Up Australia Chairman, Pip Kiernan, says now is the time for all Australians to Step Up to Clean Up, to help protect and conserve local environments.This year has seen disruption to our lives, not least of all to our local environments which have been impacted by increased uptake of single-use, disposable items†said Ms Kiernan.
We know Australians everywhere are itching to get involved and now is their chance to officially register interest for Clean Up Australia Day, Sunday March 7th. Indeed, it’s never been more important to get involved and make a real difference.
Whether you are a first time volunteer looking for a more eco-conscious New Year’s resolution, or a more seasoned Clean Up Champion, now is the time for you to register your involvement
Business Clean Up Day – Tuesday 2 March 2021
Schools Clean Up Day – Friday 5 March 2021
Community Clean Up Day – Sunday 7 March 2021
In your local area. Register at

SCHOOLS CLEAN UP DAY – Friday March 5th
A Schools Clean Up is a great way to inspire students to learn about the impact of rubbish on their local environment while playing an active role in their community.
It’s a day when students and teachers work together to clean up an area which is special to you. It can be the play ground, a local park, or maybe bushland near your school – it’s up to you.
Clean Up Australia Day – Sunday 7 March 2021
As one of the country’s most recognised and trusted environmental organisations, Clean Up Australia has helped Australians take practical environmental action for over 30 years. In fact Clean Up Australia Day is now the nation’s largest community-based environmental event.

Australia’s waste challenges continue to grow. Now, more than ever, it’s time to Step Up and support solutions which move us towards a circular economy – where everything is a resource, and there is no such thing as waste.