General Interest
Council Connections: Week 2, October 2010
The weekly program keeping you up to date with Toowoomba Regional Council’s facilities, activities and services. Council Connections with Darren Burton In this edition Darren mentions a ride to work breakfast, we call for transport group members, council’s emergency number, roadworks, the Damian Cox bursary, change in waste management hours, meetings of council and lodging […]
Elements of Red officially opened at Rosalie Gallery
Rosalie Gallery’s current exhibition “Elements of Red” a textile exhibition by WOTE (women on the edge) was officially opened recently by art columnist Sandy Pottinger. The exhibition explores the use of the primary colour “RED” and the many shades within that spectrum. The theme and the diversity of work on display is akin to the […]
Dalby Environmental Law Workshop for 30th October
The Environmental Defenders Office (EDO) QLD invites you to an environmental law workshop to be held at the Dalby RSL on Saturday 30th October, 2010. Dalby Environmental Law Workshop Cost $7 to cover catering AGENDA 9:30am—2pm, Saturday 30 October 2010 at Dalby RSL – Corvette Room Presenter: EDO Lawyer Jo Bragg 9:30am Registration, tea & […]
Dinner with Olympian for Hospice
Dawn Fraser, indubitably Australia’s greatest Olympian will be the after dinner guest speaker this month at the City Golf Club in Toowoomba. In November 1999, Dawn was awarded World Athlete of the Century†at the World Sport Awards in Vienna. In the same year Dawn was also awarded Athlete of the Century†by the Australian […]
Light the Night for the Leukaemia Foundation Thursday 7th October
Mayor of the Toowoomba Regional Council, Peter Taylor, will be taking a leading role in the Leukaemia Foundation of Queensland’s special Light the Night event at sunset this Thursday. Residents from throughout the Darling Downs are expected to attend the twilight event to raise awareness of the impact on people’s lives of leukaemias, lymphomas, myeloma […]
Council Connections: Week 1, October 2010
The weekly program keeping you up to date with Toowoomba Regional Council’s facilities, activities and services. Council Connections with Darren Burton Darren talks about the Toowoomba Concert Orchestra, the Damian Cox Bursary, community engagement from the councillors, and when the next council meetings will be. He also mentions a food safety course, online services, roadworks […]
Call for Darling Downs Ambassadors to join Fundraising Quest
The Leukaemia Foundation of Queensland is seeking energetic, innovative and dedicated people across the state willing to meet the challenge of raising money in their local community as part of the Foundation’s fundraising Quest. The Foundation’s Regional Community Fundraiser for Toowoomba/Darling Downs and South West Queensland, Phoebe Mitchell, said she is now recruiting potential Quest […]
Rotors, Wings n Wheels Fly-In at Oakey This Weekend
Saturday and Sunday, 2nd and 3rd of October, the public are invited to the annual Fly-In conducted by the Museum of Australian Army Flying at the Oakey Airfield.  Warbird operators fly in and display their aircraft, along with current Army aircraft, classic military vehicles, historic motor vehicles and classic motor-bikes and cycles. The Fly-In […]