The Environmental Defenders Office (EDO) QLD invites you to an environmental law workshop to be held at the Dalby RSL on Saturday 30th October, 2010.
Dalby Environmental Law Workshop
Cost $7 to cover catering
9:30am—2pm, Saturday 30 October 2010 at Dalby RSL – Corvette Room
Presenter: EDO Lawyer Jo Bragg
9:30am Registration, tea & coffee
10am Federal environmental law EPBC Act
10:30am State laws: The Enviro Protection Act,
Planning and Significant Projects
11:00am Break
11:10am Mining, Coal gas, underground coal
gasification, pipelines
11:40om Objecting to a mining lease application
12:15pm Lunch (provided)
12:45pm Submissions on coal seam gas proposals
1:15pm Defamation law
2:00pm End. Questions at the end of each topic
Please note that HOPE is co-hosting the event and is responsible for taking bookings. RSVP by Wednesday 27 October to or phone 4639 2135.
Thank you to the State Attorney General & the Community Legal Services Programt for funding EDO.