Light the Night for the Leukaemia Foundation Thursday 7th October

Mayor of the Toowoomba Regional Council, Peter Taylor, will be taking a leading role in the Leukaemia Foundation of Queensland’s special Light the Night event at sunset this Thursday.

Residents from throughout the Darling Downs are expected to attend the twilight event to raise awareness of the impact on people’s lives of leukaemias, lymphomas, myeloma and related blood disorders.

Light the Night will be held from 5pm this Thursday at Frogs Hollow in Queens Park, Toowoomba.

Cr Taylor will officially welcome visitors from throughout the region and also lead a short walk during which participants Light the Night by carrying gold, white or blue illuminated balloons:

* gold balloons to remember a loved one lost

* white balloons to celebrate being a survivor

* blue balloons to give hope and show support.

This year a total of 11 centres across the state are staging the event at which people can remember loved ones lost to blood cancers, celebrate being a survivor and give hope to patients and their families. The inspiring and uplifting event’s growing popularity has resulted in another three walks being held at Rockhampton, Port Douglas and Caboolture centres in addition to the existing locations in Brisbane, Bundaberg, Cairns, Gold Coast, Mackay, Sunshine Coast, Toowoomba and Townsville.

The Leukaemia Foundation’s Regional Community Fundraiser for Darling Downs and South West Queensland, Phoebe Mitchell, said Light the Night was first held in Toowoomba last year and this year’s event was again expected to be a moving and inspiring evening.

Light the Night is an opportunity to support those whose lives have been touched by blood cancers,” she said. It is also a chance for the community to show its support for the work of the Leukaemia Foundation.”

Phoebe says it is not too late to sign up to attend Light the Night by visiting or calling 1800 500 088.

Phoebe Mitchell

Regional Community Fundraiser Darling Downs and South West Queensland

Leukaemia Foundation of Queensland

P: 4632 0127 M:0438 064 996

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