Hoof It For Hospice Careâ€
Toowoomba Hospice has launched its latest fundraising initiative, Hoof It For Hospice Care†(HOOF IT). The initiative is the brainchild of Hospice Management Committee member Ray Pern, Administration and Fundraising Manager Mark Munro and their small team of volunteers. Ray said, The loss of a key fundraiser, Toowoomba Camellia Show, was a bitter blow to […]
Stress Down Day 2020 Launched
Lifeline Darling Downs has launched Stress Down Day 2020, a fun and easy initiative designed to reduce stress and raise vital funds for the local not for profit organisation. Research shows that one in eight Australians is currently experiencing high or extremely high psychological distress and it is estmated that 90% of Australians need to […]
The Chronicle Lifeline Bookfest 2020
The Chronicle Lifeline Bookfest is just around the corner and this year this major fundraiser for Lifeline Darling Downs & South West Qld Ltd celebrates it’s 40th anniversary! This year’s massive book sale will be held on Saturday 7th March and Sunday 8th March at the Founders Pavilion, Toowoomba Showgrounds. It is hard to believe […]
Mad Hatter’s Tea Party Invitation
You’re invited to participate in some cameraderie and fun at the Mad Hatters Tea Party on Saturday, 30th March and at the same time support fundraising for worthwhile charities making a difference to people’s lives. The Aussie Hero Quiltmaking is for the benefit of our military men and women serving overseas, Days4Girls is making re-washable […]
Wanna Hang Ya Boss Out To Dry?
Toowoomba Hospice Administration and Fundraising Manager, Mark Munro, wants to encourage staff to hang their boss out on Friday 11th August all for a good cause – The Toowoomba Hospice.  “We are asking businesses on the Darling Downs to “Hang their boss out to dry†by placing him or her in a scissor lift/cherry picker […]
Bonnie’s Journey Continues At Westbrook
We are having our second car and bike display to raise funds for Bonnie Mcnamara at the Westbrook Tavern, Westbrook (on the Gore Highway just south of Toowoomba) on Sunday 9th of November from 9am to 2pm. We will be having a sausage sizzle, a multi-draw raffle with great prizes and giveaways. Those intending to […]