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The Chronicle Lifeline Bookfest 2020

The Chronicle Lifeline Bookfest is just around the corner and this year this major fundraiser for Lifeline Darling Downs & South West Qld Ltd celebrates it’s 40th anniversary!

This year’s massive book sale will be held on Saturday 7th March and Sunday 8th March at the Founders Pavilion, Toowoomba Showgrounds.

It is hard to believe that we have been running our annual book sale for 40 years. It is thanks to the generous donations of books, dolls and toys from the community that we are able to put on such a fantastic sale every year,” Derek Tuffield OAM, CEO Lifeline Darling Downs and South West Quensland said.

“The Chronicle Lifeline Bookfest is a very important event for our organisation with all proceeds staying in our local area to fund our crisis support and suicide prevention services. We rely heavily on the funds raised to ensure we can continue to support those who are most in need,” he continued
There will be literally thousands of donated books on sale with nothing over $5 and many a lot less. There will also be plenty of toys, DVDs and games.

Doors open on Saturday 8am- 5pm and Sunday 8am – 2pm at the Toowoomba Showgrounds, Glenvale Road. With free admission, free parking and Eftpos available, this is the perfect time to stock up on
your winter reading material.

Volunteers are still needed for the event so if you can spare a few hours please call Nate on 4699 1625. For more information on services or to support Lifeline Darling Downs with this and other life
changing programs please call 1300 991 443 or visit

Submitted by:
Kirsten McGovern
Manager Fundraising & Marketing
Lifeline Darling Downs & South West Queensland Ltd

33 Russell Street Toowoomba Qld 4350
Ph 1300 991 443 

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