
Your Book Launch Invitation

I hope you will join us on what will be a very historic occasion for the launch of the first book ever published on the history of the drivers of the Cobb & Co horse-drawn coaches.  It was written by local author Hazel Johnson and this is the third in a sequence about Cobb & Co.

To the best of my knowledge, the last attempt to write a similar publication was made by the late Mr Bill Bolton MBE in his role as Managing Director of Cobb & Co in 1960. There have been other attempts to write similar books previously, however I am unaware of any published before now.

On Thursday 1st December 2022, Jim Thompson, CEO of Queensland Museum will officially launch Hazel’s book at the Cobb & Co Museum Toowoomba. This 200 page book contains information on some 700 drivers, including females, as well as photographs.

A summary of Hazel’s previous publications follows for your easy reference:

The first was titled Along the tracks of Cobb & Co – The Northern Road (Tenterfield to Maryland) released in 2021, and the second some twelve months later which was titled  Along the tracks of Cobb & Co – The Western Run (Brisbane, Toowoomba, Roma & Charleville). 

Thanks for your interest and I hope to see you on December 1st at 11.30 am at Cobb+Co Museum, 27 Lindsay Street, Toowoomba. Light refreshments will be on offer after the launch.

Meanwhile should you have any queries please call me.

John E Osborne OAM
Cobb & Co Book Launch Organiser
0419 650 459

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