Lifeline Darling Downs has issued a statement regarding COVID-19 and how they are responding to the ever-changing environment.
We would like to reassure the various communities we operate in across the Darling Downs and far South West of Queensland that we are still open for business having put measures in place to protect our staff, our volunteers and our clientsâ€, Lifeline Darling Downs CEO, Derek Tuffield OAM said.
Some of the key services we continue to offer are;
ï‚· Lifeline Darling Downs will continue to offer our free, confidential, professional counselling service via the telephone until COVID-19 has passed.
ï‚· Emergency Relief assistance continues from our Head Office at 33 Russell Street, Toowoomba on Monday, Wednesday and Fridays.
ï‚· A New Toll-Free local number 1800 951 052 has now been established for members of the local community to contact them in relation to local support.
ï‚· Currently all of our retail stores continue to operate and are receiving their winter stock supplies.
 Our Containers for Change†container recycling facilities at 31 Nicholson Street, Dalby and 187 Perth Street, Toowoomba remain operational.
It is vitally important that we support the community through this difficult time and we will endeavour to provide as many services as we canâ€, Mr Tuffield said.
If you or someone you care for is in need of support you can contact call Lifeline on 13 11 14, or chat to a crisis supporter via text Lifeline on 0477 13 11 14 (6pm – midnight AEDT) or online at (7pm – midnight AEDT).