Ergon Energy Retail will comply with legislation passed by the Australian Senate on 17 July 2014 to repeal the carbon price . The electricity tariffs available through Ergon Energy Retail are set by the Queensland Competition Authority (QCA), and have included the Australian Government’s carbon price since it was introduced in July 2012.
In preparation for the removal of the tax this year, the QCA prepared a set of prices for retail tariffs without the carbon price at the time of updating prices for 2014-15. Once Ergon Energy Retail has received formal notification of new tariff prices from the Queensland Government, we’ll begin work to switch over to new regulated retail tariffs that do not include the carbon price effective 1 July 2014.
Customers with bills already issued after 1 July 2014 and before the new tariffs are introduced will receive an adjustment on their next bill.
Ergon Energy Retail is committed to passing on reduced electricity prices to customers from the repeal of the carbon price as quickly and cost effectively as possible.
Submitted by:
Rod Rehbein
Corporate Communications Manager
Ergon Energy