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Celebrate Australia Day At A TRC Community Event

Show your national pride by joining any of Toowoomba Regional Council’s (TRC) community celebrations planned for Australia Day on Tuesday, January 26, 2016.

CrGlasheenAustDayTRC Customer Service portfolio leader Cr Anne Glasheen said the various Council-sponsored events across the region offered a great family outing. “Council is pleased to be involved with regional Australia Day ceremonies at Pittsworth, Oakey, Highfields, Crows Nest, Millmerran, Cambooya, Clifton, Goombungee, Yarraman and the Picnic Point function in Toowoomba,” Cr Glasheen said.

“On Australia’s national day it is fitting to celebrate the many and varied attributes and values of our national character.”

Council and the organising committees encourage residents to fly the Aussie flag and join activities to show how fortunate we are to live in Australia.

Regional events: 

Toowoomba †Picnic Point, 8am to 1pm.
There will be a climbing wall, big slide and jumping castle for junior Aussies before a flag raising ceremony with billy tea and lamingtons. Following an official welcome at 8.50am, the Toowoomba Municipal Band will perform, before the presentation of Australia Day awards, including the W.H. Groom scholarship. A free sausage sizzle and watermelons will start from 11am followed by the Darling Downs Revue and Aussie songs from the Hobsons. 

Pittsworth †Pittsworth Pioneer Village, 7am to noon.
(Note the switch to a morning event).

Oakey †Arthur Shooter Park, Stanley Street, Oakey, 7.30am to noon.

Highfields †Highfields Pioneer Village, 9am-4pm.

Crows Nest †Carbethon Folk Museum, 6.30am to noon.

Millmerran †Millmerran Lions Park, Edward Street, 7-9.30am.

Cambooya †Cambooya Recreation Grounds, Lucy Street, 8-10.30am.

Clifton †F. E. Logan Hall, Meara Place, Clifton, 7-9.30am.

Goombungee †Goombungee Public Hall, 8.30am-1pm.

Yarraman †Errol Munt Park, 7am-10.30am
Clean Up Australia Day in the park; 11.30am-1pm barbecue lunch in the park and 1-4pm free pool party at Yarraman pool.

Australia Day awards will be presented to local achievers and community-minded citizens with most events featuring short flag raising functions and addresses before a host of games, entertainment and novelty events.

Read about Toowoomba Region’s Australia Day Award Winners

Submitted by:
Angus Moffatt

Media Relations Officer
Stakeholder Engagement and Communication
Toowoomba Regional Council

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