It’s Time To Welcome In The New Year
To finish 2019 in style, Toowoomba Regional Council (TRC) will once again host a free night of family friendly celebrations in lower Queens Park, off Margaret Street, Toowoomba. TRC Environment and Community Committee Chair Councillor Geoff McDonald said the celebrations were an ideal opportunity for residents to unwind and reflect on the past year. With […]
Australia Day In Toowoomba Region
Australians all let us rejoice!!! It’s Australia Day!!!  Toowoomba Regional Council (TRC) Mayor Paul Antonio is urging one and all to go to a community event and celebrate Australia Day, Friday January 26th. “Whether it’s an old fashioned Aussie barbie, bush dance, rafting race or a pool party you are looking for, the Toowoomba Region […]
Celebrate Australia Day At A TRC Community Event
Show your national pride by joining any of Toowoomba Regional Council’s (TRC) community celebrations planned for Australia Day on Tuesday, January 26, 2016. TRC Customer Service portfolio leader Cr Anne Glasheen said the various Council-sponsored events across the region offered a great family outing. “Council is pleased to be involved with regional Australia Day ceremonies […]