Felton Food Festival
Felton Food Festival
The next ‘Felton Food Festival’ will be held on Sunday, 12th April 2015, from 9am until 4pm. A great day out is planned for those coming to this year’s ‘Felton Food Festival’.  We’re delighted to welcome back Alastair and Costa to educate us about food and gardening in their uniquely entertaining way. And this year, they […]
Food, Glorious Felton Valley Food Celebrated At Festival
 The Felton District is just 30kms south-west of Toowoomba and is a picturesque part of the Darling Downs. Felton boasts magnificent scenery, clean air, rich fertile black soils and a climate which enables them to grow food crops all year round. Felton produces a wide variety of crops including wheat, barley, chickpeas, mung beans, […]