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National Threatened Species Day

On September 7th, National Threatened Species Day, we unite to remember and reflect on the loss of the last known Tasmanian tiger in 1936. This day serves as a reminder of the fragile nature of our ecosystems and the urgent need to protect Australia’s unique wildlife from further extinction.We stand united in support of animal welfare, recognizing the efforts of global organizations such as PETA, (https://www.peta.org.au/) WWF (https://www.worldwildlife.org/), and other international organizations in advocating for the protection of all creatures. These agencies have actively promoted movements in combating animal cruelty, promoting conservation, and raising awareness to protect animals.

In Australia, environmental NGOs such as Animals Australia (https://animalsaustralia.org/) and the Australian Conservation Foundation (https://www.acf.org.au/what-is-threatened-species-day) continue to educate the public about wildlife animals for their safety and harmonious existence. Through advocacy, education, and direct intervention with local councils, these groups work relentlessly to protect animals from habitat destruction.

Householders’ Options to Protect the Environment (HOPE) Inc. (Australia) - www.hopeaustralia.org.au  believes in supporting animal welfare in order to move forward for a more sustainable future. Establishing more habitats such as reserves, sanctuaries and national parks, will help protect the lives of endangered species. Protecting endangered species is not just about preserving our natural heritage, it’s about ensuring a sustainable future for all!

Submitted By:
Frank Ondrus,
President – HOPE Inc.,
ph. 07 4639 2135

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