A long-standing inner-city road project was opened to traffic for the first time when Toowoomba Regional Council unveiled a new-look Clifford Street which has been upgraded to four lanes between Margaret and Russell Streets and forms a vital connection as part of the city’s Outer Circulating Road project.

Toowoomba Regional Council Mayor Paul Antonio has opened the new stretch of road and praised all involved in the project. “This project has been on the drawing board for many years and it is great to see it open and ready for business,” Cr Antonio said. “The project has had its challenges and has been delivered against a backdrop of minimising disruptions and inconvenience for CBD businesses and the residents who work or access these businesses.”
“This is a small, yet integral part of the larger Outer Circulating Road (OCR) project which is a network of roads forming a loop around Toowoomba’s City Centre to improve traffic flow and ease the congestion being felt in the city centre,” he said. “This is all part of positioning the city as a key regional centre.”
TRC Infrastructure spokeswoman Cr Carol Taylor said there was still some work to be done at the Clifford/Russell and Clifford/Margaret intersections which would be finalised by February. Cr Taylor also pointed out for residents to note that once Clifford Street was open to two-way traffic Baty Lane would operate as a one-way street from Mylne Street to Clifford Street.
“There have been many challenges associated with this project. The new road had to be designed as a split level carriageway with a continuous median strip from Margaret Street to Russell Street because of the steep cross fall,” Cr Taylor said. “There was a requirement to undertake significant essential service relocations such as Ergon, Telstra and stormwater drainage prior to undertaking road works. This came with the added responsibility of the careful removal of redundant asbestos,” she said.
A sealed public car parking area has also been provided at the south east corner of Clifford and Russell Streets with access from Baty Lane to replace the spaces lost when the road was redeveloped.
Cr Taylor said “This important link will eventually improve traffic flow in and around the CBD and I must acknowledge all those affected during the construction phase for their patience and cooperation. This is the first step in the OCR project … and I thank all involved for helping Toowoomba grow and develop as a city.”
Submitted by:
Chris Leslight
Communications Officer
Stakeholder Engagement & Communication
Toowoomba Service Centre
Toowoomba Regional Council