The Toowoomba Hospice sent out a ‘Free Dress Challenge’ to all the businesses, clubs, organisations and schools on the Darling Downs and in the Lockyer Valley a few weeks ago via mail and Wippells Autos have taken it on!
Mr. Dave Russell – Dealer Principal of Wippells Autos says he and his staff will participate in the Free Dress Challenge in May on the proviso that other Car Dealers take on the Challenge too. I would like to challenge the other Car Dealers to have a free dress day in May or in June to help raise funds for the Toowoomba Hospice. These funds will assist the daily operations of this important community facility providing palliative and respite care for all agesâ€
The organisers of the Challenge have taken a slightly different angle this year with running the Challenge over a 2 month period instead of 1 week Toowoomba Hospice Association Chairman Mr. Graham Barron OAM says This gives the businesses, clubs, organisations and schools a wider time frame to hold their free dress day. We would like to raise at least $6000 from this fundraiser.
A Digital Camera, DVD Player, Photographic Portraits are up for grabs for the businesses, clubs, organisations and schools that raises the most money to make it fair for all; especially the ones with a smaller participants, the organisers will divide the total money raised by total Participants at the participating businesses, clubs, organisations and schools, to obtain an average raised per person.
Participants can contact Mark Munro on 07 46598500 OR email admin.toowoombahospice@bigpond.com to register their business, club, organisation or school