The final results are in! Centenary Heights State High School is the champion of the 2019 Darling Downs Science and Engineering Challenge.

Centenary Heights SHS were the Day 4 winners, ahead of St Peter Claver College, St Ursula’s College, Clifton SHS, Oakey SHS, Toowoomba Christian College, Downlands College and Laidley SHS.
The school also claimed the highest score of the week, earning the Darling Downs trophy and a place at the state final.

The Darling Downs Science and Engineering Challenge is held at USQ each year and allows students to engage in a set of fun and competitive activities involving principles of science, engineering and technology.

The challenge:
- provides students with a challenge and a selection of materials to complete the set task
- immediately engages students in activities with a minimum of introduction and theory
- allows students to explore scientific principles for themselves rather than being guided to a predetermined answer.

Over four days (May 21-24), more than 1000 students from 30 schools competed in a series
of hands-on activities involving principles of science, engineering and technology at the University of Southern Queensland (USQ) in Toowoomba.
Submitted By:
Rhianwen Whitney,
Ph: 07 4631 2977