Toowoomba Hospice Promotions and Fundraising Manager Mark Munro is encouraging staff of local businesses to hang their boss out this Friday all for a good cause – The Toowoomba Hospice.
“We have asked businesses on the Darling Downs to raise a $500 entry fee so they can have the opportunity to Hang their Boss out to Dry†by placing him or her in a cherry picker and raising it to the top. The Boss then has to raise a minimum of $500 from up in the air to be let back down. They can contact anyone they like to raise their money, so hopefully no-one will be left hanging!”
The Hospice has cared for over 760 clients with the highest standard afforded to all, however to maintain this level of care support, they are forced to rely heavily on the financial assistance of the community to fund an operating budget of $1.4 million dollars per annum.
“Whilst Queensland Health continues to support our services generously, we still need around $800,000. This amount comes from the generosity of the people of Toowoomba and the surrounding districts and as part of the ongoing fundraising efforts, the Hospice has come up with a new fundraiser where they hope to raise over $15,000. The event will be known as ‘Hang Ya Boss Out To Dry'”said Mr Munro, Fundraising Manager.
As an extra incentive, the Boss that raises the most money for the Hospice in the period of the event will win two nights at Versace Resort at the Gold Coast along with the use of an Audi motor vehicle for the weekend! This prize is thanks to the brand new Audi Centre Toowoomba (Wippells Autos Group).
The event will be held on 17 August 2012 from 6am onwards at the Toowoomba Hospice grounds – 57b O’Quinn Street. The Lions Club of Wilsonton will have Breakfast Burgers available and the Coffee Cruiser will also be there.
Submitted by:
Mark Munro
Ph 0418 975 778 or 07 4659 8500