USQ Professor to Speak at DV Breakfast

USQ Pro Vice-Chancellor Professor Lynne Hunt will be the special guest speaker at a breakfast in Toowoomba as part of Domestic Violence month activities.

Professor Hunt has an extensive background in the research of Domestic Violence and related health issues. She has also produced a number of publications and journals in the area of women’s health & is an internationally acclaimed speaker.

The Toowoomba Says No to Violence (TSN2V) committee and both Zonta Toowoomba & Zonta Toowoomba Garden City clubs are hosting the breakfast at Angelo’s House on Wednesday 12th May at 6.45am as part of Domestic Violence awareness month in Toowoomba. Sadly, Domestic and Family Violence are prevalent in our community and it hurts everyone. The social and economic cost of violence is staggering and the community should not turn a ‘blind eye’ to its presence.

The TSN2V committee is committed to curbing violence in the Toowoomba community and is conducting a number of events to heighten awareness and spread the message that violence in any form is not acceptable in Toowoomba.

The DV Breakfast with Professor Lynne Hunt will bring home that message and the community, plus business & civic leaders, are invited to attend. Cost is $30 for a hot breakfast plus fruit & yoghurt platters and tickets can be booked by contacting Angelo’s House on Ph. 4659 9200. Credit Card facilities are available. There are limited tickets available and RSVP is by 5.00pm Tuesday 11th May.

Peter Rookas CEO
Toowoomba Hospital Foundation
Ph. (07) 46166166
Fax. (07) 46166177
Mobile. 0418-713138

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