Russell Street (Victoria Street to Ruthven Street, Toowoomba) is closed to eastbound traffic from 14/02/2021 until further notice.
Traffic disruptions may occur during preparation for the Russell Streetscape upgrade. Signage and traffic management measures will be in place, as required.
The upgrade will provide new pavement and footpaths, a tree-lined centre median from Victoria Street to Ruthven Street, improved lighting and CCTV coverage, green space and street trees, public art and new street furniture.
The project will inject life into the street and help boost future economic development in our CBD. It’ll also provide a key connection to the emerging Railway Parklands precinct and Queens Park.
Single lane closures and traffic and pedestrian detours will be in place for the safety of pedestrians, motorists and construction workers. Traffic controllers and signage will be in place to direct pedestrians and motorists.
There will be disruptions to traffic flow in the area and we ask that you plan ahead for your trips and follow all signage.
To find out more please contact us or email the project team at
The project is being completed in two stages:
- February 2021 to October 2021: Victoria Street to Ruthven Street
- February 2022 to October 2022: Ruthven Street to Neil Street.
The project is scheduled for completion in October 2022, weather permitting.