The Darling Downs Model Railway Club are holding their Sedl Contractorsl Toowoomba Model Train Exhibition in the Founders Pavilion at the Toowoomba Showgrounds at Glenvale, on Saturday 2nd and Sunday 3rd June 2012.

Secretary Ted Freeman says “We have what I believe is a great assortment of exhibits with a little bit of something for just about everyone. Keep in mind if you come from other than Toowoomba, the weather can get chilly (always warm in the pavilion though), parking is FREE (with plenty of it) and regardless of the weather, the venue is accessible and welcoming.”
“Kid’s Korner features a large fully animated Lego Display, Baillie Boys Circus and Carnival miniature patrons. We also have a colouring competion for the children with some great prizes from Train Pictures and The Workshops Rail Museum,” Ted said.
Although this is mainly a Model Train Exhibition, other modelling crafts have not been forgotten with the Toowoomba Scale Modellers showing their masterful models and an animated Meccano display. The ladies haven’t been forgotten either, with several craft stalls displaying, demonstrating and selling creations of several varieties.

The Darling Downs Model Railway Club Inc. looks forward to seeing you at the 2012 Sedl Contractors Toowoomba Model Train Exhibiton, 2nd and 3rd of June at the Toowoomba, Qld, Showgrounds, 9am-5pm Sat, 9am-4pm Sun.
Submitted by:
Ted Freeman