Toowoomba Walk Against Violence December 15th

Next Thursday 15th December is the day that Toowoomba citizens, friends, workmates and perfect strangers stand up and walk together to show the world that we care about our city and its future. The Walk Against Violence is happening at 11am, going along Margaret and Ruthven Streets and finishing on the steps of City Hall.

We are assembling on the front lawn area of the Empire Theatre on Neil St, where there will be some T shirts available for walkers, first in best dressed. We will move out onto the street, walking to City Hall and hear from the Mayor, the Vice Chancellor of USQ and a student from Toowoomba State High School, Mt Lofty campus.

Following the short speeches there will be a Free Sausage sizzle available, food supplied by Rotary with cold drinks available for purchase.

This is our time to shine, show the nation and the world that Toowoomba is a city of substance.

See you there!

Tony Rehn
Crime Prevention Officer
Southern Region
Queensland Police Service
Ph 07 4631 6755
P.O. Box 1333,
Toowoomba Qld 4350

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