Toowoomba Regional Council News in Brief

Gallery open Carnival Monday

Toowoomba Regional Art Gallery has extended its opening hours to include Monday, September 20 from 10am to 4pm to cater for Carnival of Flowers visitors. Entry is free.

Sign on for Bushcapades

Spring holiday activities will be staged in Toowoomba’s bushland parks from Tuesday, September 21 to Friday, October 1. Craft sessions cover paper making, pressing flowers, candle making, pottery and tips for organic gardening. Small fees apply and children under eight must be accompanied by an adult. Bookings are essential by calling 4688 6572 during office hours.

Book Spring Bluff train trips

Tickets for return train rides to Spring Bluff during Carnival week are on sale at Toowoomba Railway Station, Railway St. Apart from one service departing the station at 9am on Sat, Sept 25 two services will run daily from Sun, Sept 19 to Fri, Sept 24. Tickets must be bought in person at Toowoomba Railway Station from 9am to 3.45pm weekdays. No phone bookings. Prices: $16.50 adults, $8.50 child 4-15, Under 4 free if not occupying seats. Enquiries to QR on 4631 3381.

Tombstone Tours

Discover the region’s intriguing past on the 2010 Tombstone Tours of Toowoomba and Drayton Cemetery. Tours will run on Sunday, Sept 19 at 10am, on Wednesday, Sept 22 at 7pm and on Saturday, Sept 25 at 10am. Tickets cost $5 and must be pre-booked at the Local History Library, 476 Ruthven St (9.30am-1pm Tuesday to Saturday) or by phoning 4638 7766.

Explore Laurel Bank Park

Grab your torch and be a part of the popular Twilight Tours of Laurel Bank Park in Herries St Toowoomba during the Carnival of Flowers. Running on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, September 20-22, the one-hour tours from 6.30pm and 7.30pm each evening will provide an insight into the park’s history and its many floral highlights. Gold coin donation. Bookings essential on 4688 6542.

Local History Library Displays

Toowoomba’s Local History Library is hosting two significant displays during Sept and Oct – a photographic display of the Carnival of Flowers during the 1950s, including the queens, gardens and parades, and an exhibition of photographs and programmes marking Toowoomba Repertory Theatre’s celebration of 80 years of entertaining. Visit 476 Ruthven St (9.30am-1pm Tuesday to Saturday) or phone 4638 7766.

Free plant vouchers

Ratepayers in the TRC area receive two free plants per year via a voucher included with their rate notices. Half of TRC residents would have received vouchers in April and the remainder would have received theirs recently. Please see the back of the voucher for collection points and opening times to collect your plants. For more information phone 4688 6654.

Lodge event support proposals

Applications are being sought for the Events Support Grant Program which closes on October 3, 2010. This council initiative aims to support groups planning major regional and community events. Further information about the program and application forms can be obtained from the Economic Development, Tourism & Events Branch on 4688 6966.

Lodge online request for council service

Council is offering residents and ratepayers a further option when lodging a request for council services. Simply go to council’s website and choose ‘customer requests’ under the ‘Online services’ tab, then click on ‘new request’ before selecting the type of service required. Areas currently available for online lodgement are animal collection/nuisance, changes of address, overgrown allotments, parking meter faults or infringements, road and footpath maintenance requests, abandoned and nuisance vehicles, water meter issues and wheelie bin services.

Gallery seeks 2011 exhibition ideas

Toowoomba Regional Art Gallery is seeking fresh exhibition proposals from regional artists for the first half of 2011. Artists who live in the council area are welcome to submit proposals for exhibitions to be displayed in the Cam Robertson Gallery from January to July 2011. Applications must be lodged with the Gallery by Friday, October 1. For more information, please contact Toowoomba Regional Art Gallery on 4688 6652 or email

New 10-year Community Plan

In late July, TRC endorsed the new community plan that sets out the vision, goals and outcomes the region’s community wants to see over the next 10 years. The Community Plan fulfils a legislative requirement of the Local Government Act 2009. Please log on to and select Council Vision and Strategies to view the new Community Plan.

from Corporate Services/Corporate Communication

Toowoomba Regional Council

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Furniture Art at USQ

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2010 Grand Central Floral Parade

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