The Toowoomba Hospital Foundation is set to conduct another major auction at Toowoomba Hospital this Saturday 2nd May 2015.
Close to 200 lots are on offer, with a Phototherapy/Heating Unit, two dental chairs, Ride-on-mower, cupboards, filing drawers, bedside lockers, stainless steel sinks, fridges and benches plus many more items all to go under the hammer.
Toowoomba Hospital Foundation CEO, Peter Rookas, said this auction, like many before, would be another chock full of interesting items. “As the saying goes, one man’s trash is another man’s treasure.“ All funds raised from the auction will be used by the Foundation to purchase much needed equipment for the hospital, which will in turn benefit the community of Toowoomba and Darling Downs.
Inspection of the auction items commences at 8.00am with the auction timed to start at 9.00am. Entrance to the auction site is via the Toowoomba Hospital main entrance in Pechey Street and then follow the signs.
Submitted by:
Peter Rookas
Toowoomba Hospital Foundation
Ph 4616 6166