The Nobby Heritage Festival Saturday 5th & Sunday 6th of November, 2011

The Nobby Heritage Festival was developed to promote the history of the Nobby district, with the involvement of the local community. It is a weekend festival incorporating the diverse range of attractions already established in Nobby and entertainment at the local hall.

The event will showcase the rural life of our local pioneers, enabling  younger community members to experience and gain a greater appreciation of early life in our small rural area. Displays and demonstrations by local skilled craftsmen and women will be a feature, and guided heritage walks from the Nobby railway station will be available both days. Markets will be held on  Saturday morning, 5th November commencing at 8am.

Nobby Heritage Festival Program
The historic village of Nobby on the Darling Downs is 30 minutes drive south of Toowoomba along the New England Highway. Nobby  is known for being the place where Arthur Hoey Davis wrote his Dad’n’Dave stories, and also where Sister Elizabeth Kenny pioneered her treatment of poliomyelitis.

The village of Nobby today still resembles that of its early pioneer days with the main street housing the original buildings. Come and enjoy a walk back in time to days of an easy rural lifestyle full of friendly smiles, traditional style cooking, relaxed atmosphere with plenty of historic sites and craftsmen/women showing their special skills.

The original Nobby Station building, opened in 1897, now located in the Nobby Park, has been utilised as the Visitor Information centre with local handcrafted items for sale.  A visitor map is proudly displayed in the waiting area of the Station, and will be the meeting place for the Historical Walk featured in the weekend Program.

Saturday 5th November

Markets 8am-12pm, Nobby Station Craft shop, Nobby Forge-Wheelwright demo 1pm, Vintage Museum, sister Kenny Museum1-4pm, Axe display, Pepperina gallery concert 11am, Heritage walking tour 2pm.

Saturday evening at the hall
Fashion Parade 5pm, Sausage sizzle 6pm, Nobby school concert 7pm, Supper 8pm, Music & dancing 8.30-10pm.

Sunday 6th November
Nobby Forge Blacksmithing, Vintage Museum, Axe display, Nobby Station craft, Sister Kenny Museum, Pepperina Gallery concert 11am, Heritage walking tour 2pm, Dillybag Gunyah country music & bush poetry, walk-ups welcome.

Louise Kennedy with your invitation to visit Nobby for the Heritage Festival

All events both days are 10am to 3pm or as published – food and drinks available (all day) from:

Nobby General Store/Berkana crystals, Rudd’s Pub.

Dillybag Gunyah- Billy tea and damper, and by group bookings only-camp oven stew.

All events are within easy walking distance of the main street and the Nobby Park, toilet facilities are located in the park, with picnic and children’s play area .

The Vintage Museum has a door entry fee of $5-00 adult, $3-00 child & $15-00 family, The hall, Saturday evening, has a door entry fee of $5-00 per person $15-00 per family, sausage sizzle $2-00 each. Most other events have a gold coin donation entry.

Submitted by:
Louise Kennedy
Ph 07 4696 3376

For more about Nobby, go to

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