Talented Artists Exhibit To Assist Toowoomba Mental Health Facilities

Some of the region’s most talented artists have banded together to display & sell their works in aid of local Mental Health services at the Toowoomba Hospital.

Organiser & local artist Christina Renata has been the driving force behind the ‘Raw 2013 Art Exhibition’ that has been staged this week at The Hidden Room for Artists, 503 Ruthven Street, Toowoomba (next door to Betros Brothers). Artists include Christina Renata, Troy Cooper, Doreen Ward, Jamie Robertson, David Le May, Tye Robertson, Naomi Luscombe, Deb Beaumont, Tamara Werne and many more.
Paintings on exhibition for Toowoomba Mental HealthThe quality of the art has already attracted many visitors and more than 10 pieces have already been sold.
The display will conclude on Friday evening 25th January, with a major auction of pieces in aid of Mental Health services at the Toowoomba Hospital.

Organiser Christina Renata is elated with the success of her first exhibition “The response has been outstanding. Thank you so much Toowoomba people, for being the community that you are; supporting and caring. The Exhibition has gone beyond my wildest dreams. Please call in as there is still great art on show,” she said.

WHERE: The Hidden Room for Artists
503 Ruthven Street (next door to Betros Brothers) culminating in a Charity Auction at 6.30pm Friday, 25th January.

Submitted by:
Peter Rookas,
CEO, Toowoomba Hospital Foundation
Ph 4616 6166

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