Baillie Henderson Hospital is hosting a free event to raise awareness on what all of us can do to look after our mental health and how to reach out to those who need support.
The mental health event will be held on Thursday 10 October from 10am to 2pm at McDonald Hall This event is held during National Mental Health Week, and this year the theme is ‘take time †for mental health’.
“The theme focuses on the small things everyone can do to boost their own mental wellbeing,†consumer and community engagement officer Ms Donna Lucas said. “This includes following the six small steps of being more active, learning, giving, connecting with others, enjoying the present moment and caring for our planet. “The theme take time is also aiming to break down the stigma associated with mental illness and encourage people to reach out to those who need our support.â€Â
This event is the third year it has been held and each year it has been a great success. “We encourage the community and staff to come along and enjoy the event,†Ms Lucas said.
“There will be a variety of activities and entertainment on the day including live music, Indigenous
dancers, interactive art collages, raffles, and a free sausage sizzle. There will also be an art exhibition with art works created by residents of Baillie Henderson Hospital on display.â€Â
More than 30 health service providers including Yellow Bridge, Sunrise Way, Queensland Ambulance Services, NDIS LAC Partner, Metro Care and Mercy Community Services will also have information stalls.
For more information email DDHHS-Consumer or phone 4699 8386.
This event is partially supported by the Darling Downs and West Moreton PHN under the Australian Government’s PHN Program.
Submitted by:
Media Officer
Media, Communication and Engagement
Darling Downs Health