Showcase your house on Sustainable House Day

Householders’ Options to Protect the Environment (HOPE) is seeking expressions of interest from home owners in the Toowoomba Regional Council area to participate in this year’s Sustainable House Day in September.

We are seeking local owners of sustainable houses willing to open their houses to the public between the hours of 10am and 4pm on Sustainable House Day, Sunday 12 September 2010” HOPE President Frank Ondrus says.

Houses need to display a variety of sustainable features, including energy and water efficient products and practises, sustainable building and design features, and can either be a new, renovated or retrofitted dwelling”.

Mr. Ondrus said that this year’s Sustainable House Day, a national event presented by Solar Shop Australia and to be managed locally by HOPE, is expected to be the biggest yet as hundreds and thousands of Australians continue to embrace renewable energy, recycling and other practices to lesson our impact on the environment.

With homes scheduled to open around the country on Sunday 12 September, the event – in its ninth year – continues to grow in popularity as people seek more sustainable ways of living” Mr. Ondrus said.

Homes will be open to the public for free, and it is a fantastic opportunity for owners of sustainable homes to provide unbiased advice on working concepts, plans and ideas to people who want to make their homes more sustainable, but who are often confused about where to start”.

Interested home owners wanting further information and to express their interest in participating in Sustainable House Day asked to contact Mr. Frank Ondrus on (07) 4639 2135 by the 30th July 2010.

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