Why not escape the Royal-wedding-saturated-
It willl be held as usual at the Toowoomba Amateur Radio-controlled Model Aircraft Club’s (T.A.R.M.A.C) field just 10km south of Toowoomba on the New England Highway. (If you get to the Drayton Connection Road, you’ve gone too far). GPS Site coordinates;  27deg.40’29″South  151deg. 54’45” East
Driving directions from Toowoomba: Drive south along Ruthven Street, proceed through Hodgsonvale, then 3-4km further (past “The Outlook” on your left) Then look out for the windsock at the field and the TARMAC sign on your right. Then, checking 100kph traffic in front and behind, signal a right turn and drive in at the “TARMAC” sign, proceeding through the open gate and along the flying-field track to the large parking area. No charge ! It’s all free. Facilities available on site + Refreshments. ÂÂ

These rockets come in all shapes, colours and sizes and have been made by members of the Space Pilots’ Club and sometimes by their family members, even grandparents, and “behave” differently (sometimes ‘spectacularly’) on launching. Great to see, and the friendly atmosphere comes as a bonus.
The next “Launch” is scheduled for Saturday, 19h August…. hopefully the weather will be perfect!
PS: And, if you are an avid Royal-wedding watcher, I assure you that you should be back in time to watch this Saturday evening’s  coverage … unless you’ve come in from beyond Roma ?
Submitted by:
Barry Whisson
Barry Whisson
Launch Day Assistant