Rosalie Gallery Hosts Artist’s First Solo Exhibition

Rosalie Gallery, Goombungee will exhibit the first solo exhibition for Oakey artist Edna Peterson during August.

The exhibition entitled “Shore to Shore .. Caloundra to Geraldton,” a collection of new works, features 20 paintings in pastel and watercolour and 8 photographs. The subject of Edna’s exhibition is a canvas of many wonderful experiences undertaken in 2009 including her work as a volunteer with wombats in Queensland and South Australia and her travels across the Nullabor to Geraldton W.A.

“This exhibition consolidates some ten years of my painting with the Oakey Art Group,” says Edna who has won numerous prizes in local shows. The highlight of her awards to date includes the Kenneth Macqueen memorial prize at the Toowoomba Show this year for “Keeping Watch.”

A stone cottage S.A.

She has also won Champion Painting at the Cooyar show for the last three years and firstprizes at Goombungee, Dalby and Millmerran shows. Edna has taken part in group exhibitions with the Oakey Art Group at the Cam Robertson Room, Toowoomba Regional Art Gallery and Flavours Art Gallery Hampton.

The exhibition commenced Wednesday 11th August and will be officially opened by Marianne de Graaf of the Oakey Art Group on Friday 13th August from 7.00p.m. Opening hours are 10.30 a.m. to 3.30 p.m. Wednesday to Sunday. The exhibition continues until 5th September.

The Rosalie Gallery is in Mocatta Street, Goombungee. Phone the gallery on 4696 5600 for further information.

Submitted by Jenny Gersekowski.

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