Police are wishing to alert Toowoomba residents that we are currently experiencing break and enter offences into homes and vehicles. Most recently there has been activity in the Newtown, Harlaxton, and Kearney Spring areas.
Police are actively patrolling these hotspots and other areas of Toowoomba investigating potential suspects, and Volunteers in Policing have been hitting the streets, letterbox dropping information on property security and prevention strategies.
For information about local crime prevention initiatives please contact your local police station and ask for the Officer in Charge or the District Crime Prevention Coordinator.
Anyone with information which could assist with this matter should contact Crime Stoppers anonymously via 1800 333 000 or crimestoppers.com.au 24hrs a day.
Crime Stoppers is a registered charity and community volunteer organisation working in partnership with the Queensland Police Service.
For all non-urgent police reporting or general police inquiries contact Policelink on 131 444 or Policelink.qld.gov.au 24hrs a day.