Toowoomba Regional Council (TRC) is consulting with interested residents on the second stage of the Central Highfields Master Planning process through to March 16.
Toowoomba Region Mayor Paul Antonio says residents are welcome to register to attend workshops to hear about and discuss three Master Plan options that have been devised for the Central Highfields area. He said Council was determined to work with all sectors of the community to achieve the best outcomes that would deliver a vibrant sub-regional centre to serve Highfields well into the future.
Stage 1 Master Planning activities engaged more than 200 Highfields residents in conversation about their values and their vision for the future of the Central Highfields area. The TRC project team has worked to translate those values into three different Master Plan options for Central Highfields.
Highfields community members are invited to provide their feedback at one of three community workshops. Please register your interest to attend by calling 131 872 or at  http://yoursay.tr.qld.gov.au/HTC
The identical two-hour workshops will be held at the Highfields Cultural Centre, O’Brien Road, Highfields from:
• 6pm-8pm Tuesday, March 6
• 10am-noon Wednesday, March 7
• 10am-noon Saturday, March 10
TRC Planning and Development Committee portfolio leader Cr Anne Glasheen said apart from the three workshops in March, community members are welcome to join a dedicated facebook page to share their ideas and vision for the area.
“The ongoing planning will influence the long-term development of this 45 hectare precinct in Central Highfields, Cr Glasheen said. “Council’s ownership of land in this area ensures there will be greater clarity and control around the development that the community wishes to see. We want to offer a range of uses and employment prospects for this growing area.â€Â
Interested community members are encouraged to go to http://yoursay.tr.qld.gov.au/HTC for further information, or call Council on 131 872. There will be a further chance for the public to review the preferred option in late April, before a final version is presented for Council’s adoption in July 2018.