Red Shield Appeal Door Knock on Saturday 19th & Sunday 20th May, 2012

Each year The Salvation Army extends care to more than one million Australians facing crisis. The Salvation Army, who many of us know affectionately as the Salvos, is dedicated to meeting the needs of the most marginalised and disadvantaged members of our community.

In the last financial year, The Salvation Army spent more than $500million on delivering services and programs to people in need – this includes shelter for the homeless, refuge for victims of abuse and relief to communities affected by natural disasters.

The Red Shield Appeal will run from 16th April –20th May with the Door Knock on 19‐20th May, 2012.

The Red Shield Appeal is The Salvation Army’s key fundraising activity which generates vital income to support its ongoing work. The Salvos offer people the chance to change their lives every day.

Can you please consider assisting us during this year’s Red Shield Appeal? Please give when the collector calls, or phone 13 SALVOS (13 72 58) or visit for secure online donations.

Thank you in advance for your very generous support.

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Toowoomba Model Rocket Launch Saturday, 19th May

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