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Queensland’s Coronavirus Directive

Home Confinement Direction
This direction applies to ALL residents of Queensland.

All people must stay in their homes except for:
1  shopping for essentials – food and necessary supplies;
2  medical or health care needs, including compassionate requirements;
3  exercise with no more than one other person (unless from your household);
4  providing care or assistance to an immediate family member;
5  work and study if you can’t work or learn remotely.

Direction from Chief Health Officer in accordance with emergency powers arising from the declared public health emergency

A person who resides in Queensland must not leave their principal place of residence except for, and only to the extent reasonably necessary to accomplish, the following permitted purposes:

a)  to obtain food or other essential goods or services;
b)  to obtain medical treatment or other health care services;
c)  to engage in physical exercise, either alone or in the company of no more than one other person; or in the company of a family group who ordinarily live in the same Household;
d)  to perform work on behalf of an employer that is engaged in an essential business, activity or undertaking, and the work to be performed is of a nature that cannot reasonably be performed from the person’s principal place of residence;
e)  to visit a terminally ill relative or to attend a funeral, subject to any applicable restrictions under other relevant Public Health Directions;
f) to provide assistance, care or support to an immediate member of the person’s family;
g) to attend any Court of Australia or to comply with or give effect to orders of the Court; or
h)  to attend a childcare facility, school, university, or other educational institution, to the extent care or instruction cannot reasonably be obtained in the person’s principal place of residence.

A person who leaves their residence for a permitted purpose may be accompanied by members of their household or, alternatively, by no more than one person who is not a member of their household.

The Queensland Chief Health Officer may grant an exemption to part or all of these directions on compassionate grounds or for other exceptional circumstances.

This directive was promulgated on 29th March 2020
Dr Jeannette Young,
Chief Health Officer


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