Queensland Day Celebrations in Pittsworth on Sunday June 12

This year marks the 152nd anniversary of Queensland becoming a separate colony from New South Wales. Here in Pittsworth we will be celebrating the occasion on Sunday 12 June at the Pioneer Village. Once again the Queensland Day Committee has organised a full program. Admission will be free.

A highlight this year will be the display of over 90 historic motor vehicles. Participants in the Queensland Historic Motoring Council’s 2011 rally will be joining our celebration and giving local car enthusiasts the opportunity to view some quality vehicles from yesteryear. The cars will be on display from 9.30am and visitors will be able to purchase tea, coffee and scones from the Beauaraba QCWA ladies.
Official proceedings will begin on the covered stage at 11am with the welcome by Cr. Ros Scotney from Toowoomba Regional Council.
Allan Petersen, who will be the MC for the occasion, will then invite Cr Ros to read the Declaration of Queensland Day. This will be followed by the flag raising ceremony led by the local Guide group and Mark Schuster will perform “God Save the Queen”. Proceedings will then move to the Post Office where Cr Ros will officiate at the naming of one of the display rooms.

Local land holders will then have the chance to record their cattle or horse brands for posterity on the Branding Board for $30 each. There will be displays by White Mischief and Amazing Soaps and the Craft Shop will be open. Gail Parish, Ruth Taylor and Barbara Harris will also have a lace and spinning display in the Post Office.

Local gardening identity Penny McKinlay will be presenting a talk in her unique style. Old time children’s games will be organized by Allan Petersen and Bill Krautz to ensure the day rounds off with a family flavour.

There’s no need for anyone to go hungry. Ron and Lyn Pearce and their helpers will use their camp oven expertise to provide traditional Aussie favourites such as stew, billy tea and damper with syrup. Cook’s Softdrinks will be on sale during the various activities.

Mark Schuster will continue performing on his button accordion throughout the morning and the Queensland Day Committee is awaiting confirmation on other musical entertainment.

Make sure you bring the family and join in what should be an enjoyable celebration at the Pioneer Village. It is envisaged that activities will be finished by 2pm.

Submitted by
Peter Ross


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