The May Meeting of the Toowoomba Prostate Cancer Support Group will be held on Tuesday 21st. at 5.30 for a 6pm start. The venue is the CCQ office, 137 Herries Street Toowoomba. RSVP: Christine Ward, 07 4690 5800
Guest Speaker: Claire Uwimana from the Toowoomba Branch of the Multicultural Development Association.
Claire will talk about the extremely important role that MDA employees and volunteers have in helping to settle refugees and migrants from different parts of the World into Toowoomba and across the Darling Downs and SWQ.
The TPCSG endeavours to help men diagnosed with PCa and their families across SW Qld., Darling Downs, Toowoomba, the South Burnett and Lockyer Valley.
There are Monthly meetings (3rd Tuesday of the Month) with guest speakers or round table informal discussions, plus a regular newsletter. Attendance at meetings is not a prerequisite of membership.
Talk About It, Share The Good, The Bad, The Ugly = Helping Yourself and Others + Less Stress!
The Toowoomba Prostate Cancer Support Group is affiliated to the PCFA and supported by CCQ.
Submitted By:
David H Abrahams
SG Convenor & PCFA Ambassador
Toowoomba Prostate Cancer Support Group
Office: +61 (0)7 4613 6974
Fax: +61 (0)7 4635 4137
Mob: +61 (0)407 927 060
Skype: davidatzapcon