Presentation of Certificates To Young Volunteers

Kiyua Performing Arts Inc, formerly known as The Community Performing Arts Project, is a not for profit organisation that provides dance and drama classes free for young people. Their vision is ‘A community based group nurturing self worth and personal development through performing arts’.

On Sunday 22nd August, Kiyua will be holding a ‘Choreography Day’ at ‘The Barn’ on Flagstone Creek Road, Toowoomba. The day starts at 9am and will run till about 2.30pm. The young people divide into groups, get given a song and make up a dance as a team. They have lunch, then the groups perform their dances as the finale to the day in the afternoon. They are provided with a free sausage sizzle, and cake to celebrate the anniversary of the start of the project.

The Project has the full support of the Toowoomba Regional Council with the patron of the project being Cr Carol Taylor, who will be present and mingling with the young people.

This Sunday is special as we have Mayor Peter Taylor coming down at about 1.30pm to acknowledge our junior teachers, the young people (14-22yrs) who give up their Saturdays and other times to teach and mentor other young people. The Mayor is giving out certificates to 5 of these young people.

We welcome you to attend and view the project for yourself

For further details contact Sheriden Wright on 0412 135 925.

Tony Rehn

Crime Prevention Officer

Southern Region

Queensland Police Service

Ph 07 4631 6755 Fax 07 4615 3200

P.O. Box 1333, Toowoomba, Qld. 4350

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