With the Toowoomba Second Range Crossing nearing completion, line marking of stretches of roadway has been taking place ….
Meet the TSRC’s tiny surveyor, the robot we used to mark where all the lines and marks need to go on
the road as a guide for the line marking machines following behind.
The robot is operated through the Global Positioning System (GPS), and was put to work on the project last month to map out the whole road surface with painted dashes for the line markers to follow.
These line markers follow the dashes to complete
the lines marking the road edges, traffic islands,
lane arrows, dividing strips, and turning bays.
Using the robot to pre-mark lines is three times faster than doing it manually, and it eliminates the risk of inaccurate marking and safety risks for line surveyors working next to heavy plant and machinery during finishing works.

The robot marks dashes on the road at five metre intervals so the line markers can complete the lines with greater accuracy. Tiny glass beads in the finished painted road lines will help with reflection at night when the road opens later this year.
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