Residents in Highfields will soon be able to benefit from the construction of a state-of-the-art local police station with the design phase of the project due to commence in upcoming months.
Police Minister Mark Ryan said funding for the new station was expended in the 2016/17 financial year for a flood study of the proposed site at 22 Highfields Road, which has now been completed.
“The next stage is now being progressed with preliminary designs for the facility under development,†Minister Ryan said. “Official commencement of the process is for the 2017/18 financial year, with the project anticipated for delivery in the 2018/19 financial year.
“The new facility will replace the existing Police Beat staffed by two officers.â€Â
Police Minister Mark Ryan said the station would be modelled on the new $8.3 million station recently opened in Kingaroy, and is expected to include a number of purpose built work stations and a designated interview room with video and audio recording capabilities.

“Along with new training rooms there will be an evidence room as well as a major incident room,†Minister Ryan said. “This initiative is also estimated to generate a number of local jobs during construction. My government is proud of its investment in the future of community and police officer safety in Queensland.â€Â
Commissioner Ian Stewart said planning for the Highfields site had a strong focus on community interaction including facilities shared with local community groups.
“The new station will make it easier for police to work during a 24-hour, seven days a week roster,†Commissioner Stewart said. “The ability to have our officers engage and respond at a local level in Highfields will be extremely important to ensuring the safety of the community.â€Â
The Honourable Mark Ryan MP
Minister for Police, Fire and Emergency Services and Minister for Corrective Services
Commissioner Ian Stewart
Queensland Police Service