Lifeline Darling Downs and South West Queensland Limited in conjunction with Lifeline Australia are proud to be a part of National Volunteers Week 2014. National Volunteers Week is where the efforts of Volunteers are recognised, not only for their assistance with the programs that Lifeline Darling Downs and other organisations coordinate, but also the power that their work has in the community.
National Volunteers Week recognises the efforts of Lifeline Darling Downs Volunteers with nearly 400 volunteers, working in our retail stores, at events such as Bookfest and many others that are run through the community. It also recognises the efforts of the volunteers who put their own worries and concerns aside when natural disaster strikes, often leaving their own devastated homes to help others rebuild or clean up theirs.
It is time we recognise their achievements and raise the awareness about the excellent work these people are doing.
Being a Lifeline Volunteer isn’t just about getting out there and asking for donations, it is about helping out at National, Regional and Local events; it is working in the retail stores or on the distribution centre floor, organising the clothes, books, and home wares; it is about being able to help in any way you can.
According to Volunteer Australia (www.volunteeraustralia.org) the average age group for volunteers in Australia in 2010 was 45-54 years . Of the 6.1 million volunteers, registered in 2010, 593,700 people were aged 18-24. This means that young people are more and more becoming a part of the volunteering community. *
Why not become a part of this great effort by so many Australians and volunteer today or donate to www.lifelinedarlingdowns.org.au/  .
*Volunteering Australia, 2010, “Volunteering Factsâ€Â, http://www.volunteeringaustralia.org/research-and-advocacy/the-latest-picture-of-volunteering-in-australia/ .
Submitted by:
Suzie Washington
Manager Marketing and Fundraising
Lifeline Darling Downs & South West Queensland Ltd
192a Stephen Street, Toowoomba Qld 4350
Email: swashington@lifelinedarlingdowns.org.au