Model Rocket Launch Saturday 7th August

Hi everyone! Barry Whisson here….on behalf of T.A.R.M.A.C. (Toowoomba Amateur Radio-controlled Model Aircraft Club) inviting you to come to a model-rocket launch day at the TARMAC field, on the New England Highway, only 10km south of Toowoomba and just past the “The Mill – The Outlook” (look for the wind-sock on your right) this Saturday 7th August from 1:45pm  through to 3:30pm.

There’s only four “Launch-days” per year, so here’s a good opportunity to come.  Bring a folding chair though..

There’s no charge.  There will be refreshments available

There are likely to be model rockets of various shapes and types, some with gliders attached and some without, and even  some rockets are  “2-stage”. . Most of them will have been made by boys of the Rangeville Space Pilots’ Club, (or their sisters) but some adults get in on the act too!

You know, there is something quite exciting about a rocket launch as you see the forty-or-so exquisitely-made rockets lined up there ready for launch – every single one of them lovingly crafted by these young people.(as well as by the more advanced modellers).

The Countdown is On!

Then to see the high anticipation in the eyes as these  young rocketeers sit on the edge of their special launch-seat and get ready to launch their very own rocket …. finger poised just millimetres over the “Launch” button …  as the moment approaches and everyone joins in the count-down … ‘.five ….four … three .. .two …one ….“IGNITION !” … then they give the button a determined push …then you hear a “whoosh” as the rocket leaves the pad followed  by  cries of WOW…Look at that !

3-2-1-Zero - Lift Off

I’ve got to say – if you haven’t ever been to a rocket launch, then you’ve missed something very special,  quite unique (especially in Australia) as  you witness these beautiful craft explode off the pad and, in a plume of smoke, soar upward, ever upward into the atmosphere  to maybe as high as 1000-feet (that’s 3000-feet with Toowoomba’s elevation!).

To see the look of both relief and deep satisfaction at the sense of accomplishment written all over the face of a young 8-year old rocketeer is really something to behold..

You’ve got to make it a ‘must‘ to come. Remember, 1:45 pm this Saturday 7th August…..a fun thing for all.

Barry Whisson – Assistant Launch-controller

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