Violence against women is a serious problem in Australia, where at least one woman is killed every week by a current or former partner. In fact, the Australian Institute of Criminology reports that 36 per cent of all homicides take place in a domestic setting and 73 per cent of those involve a woman being killed by her male partner.
Further, Australian Bureau of Statistics data indicates that one in three Australian women over the age of 15 report having experienced physical or sexual violence at some time in their lives. In Queensland alone, there are 180 cases of family violence reported to police every day.
The Toowoomba region is not immune and we want this community to take a stand.
White Ribbon is the world’s largest male-led movement to end men’s violence against women. White Ribbon Day is held each November.
Each year the Toowoomba Says No to Violence Committee and other local groups organise a range of fantastic events to mark White Ribbon Day and the sixteen day campaign that follows. Importantly, this year a summit is being held on Monday, November 23 to develop local solutions to this issue.
On Wednesday November 25, which is officially White Ribbon Day, the Toowoomba Regional Council in collaboration with Toowoomba Says No To Violence, will be unveiling a monument in Clewley Park, dedicated to all victims of violence. All in attendance will be asked to take the new White Ribbon Oath:
I will stand up, speak out and act to prevent men’s violence against women.
The details for the event are:
White Ribbon Day Oath Swearing, community breakfast and monument unveiling
Wednesday 25 November 2013
Clewley Park, Water Street, Toowoomba
Breakfast will be served from 6.45am and the event will conclude by 8.15am.
Rally your troops †family members, colleagues, students, friends and neighbours to be there on the day. This event provides a wonderful opportunity to send a very clear message to the community that we strive never to be silent about violence in this community.
For more information or to confirm attendance (for catering and preparation purposes) please contact Toowoomba Regional Council on 131 872.
White Ribbon Australia seeks to change the attitudes and behaviours that lead to and perpetuate men’s violence against women, by engaging boys and men to lead social change. Together, we can take a stand and end violence against women!