Darling Downs Health will host a free wellness seminar to inspire more people to ‘Get Sugar Savvy’. The one-hour seminar will be presented by Angela Emmerton (left), an ambassador for ‘That Sugar Movement’.
Darling Downs Health Community Wellbeing Senior Project Officer Jodie Van Zandbergen said the seminar would demystify the sugar trap. “The average Australian consumes more than double the recommended added sugar intake each day,†Ms Van Zandbergen said.
“Some ‘healthy’ food options are actually hiding a lot of sugar. It can be confusing and difficult to make the right choices for yourself and your family.
This presentation will include information about the differences between natural and added sugars, how to read food labels, and how to make better choices when shopping. There will also be a chance to ask questions.â€Â
The Get Sugar Savvy seminar will be held from 6pm to 7.30pm on Thursday 17 October at the
Toowoomba City Library. The seminar is free, however, please RSVP to DDH CommunityWellbeing@health.qld.gov.au for catering purposes.
Submitted by:
Anthea Holborn
Senior Media Officer
Media, Communication and Engagement
Administration Building, Baillie Henderson Hospital