Toowoomba has been a stalwart city in the White Ribbon Day campaign for some years, and in 2013 Toowoomba Says No to Violence has upped the ante, calling for 1,000 men and boys to join them in Queens Park to form a giant ribbon and swear the oath, and make a Queensland and national statement, that Toowoomba does not accept violence towards women.
This has never been done before and will further enforce Toowoomba’s commitment not to accept violence in our community. Queensland Premier Campbell Newman & his Cabinet, Toowoomba Regional Council Mayor Paul Antonio & Councillors and leading business & community leaders will be in attendance.
Please help us to make it happen. Help us ‘put our stake in the ground’ and make a stand.
Thank you in advance for your support.
Peter Rookas
White Ribbon Ambassador
Deputy Chair TSN2V
(Toowoomba Says No To Violence)