Heritage Crow’s Nest Community Branch has presented a cheque for $17,820 to the Lions Club of Crow’s Nest Inc. for their history plaques project, Stage 2 of three stages to promote awareness of historical sites in Crow’s Nest village.
Stage 1, a map entitled “Crow’s Nest – More History Than You Think” was
published last year by the club, financed by a Q150 grant from the
Queensland Government and completed with the invaluable help of the Crow’s Nest Historical Society. The map shows the locations of 60 sites of
historical interest.
A cast bronze plaque will be placed on footpaths at each of the 60 locations with information and in the instance of now vacant sites or major structural changes, an illustration of the history of that site. The plaques should last 100 years and will be constructed by Wagners Toowoomba.
Stage three will be the publication of a book of oral history, again
focussing on the 60 sites. A questionnaire will be sent to the public
outlining the club’s plans for obtaining oral history.
“We plan to interview older residents and former residents of Crow’s Nest and anyone else who is interested in passing on valuable information about the history of Crow’s Nest village,” said Club President Meg Hatfield.
The idea for the project was instigated by Russell Hamilton & Meg Hatfield who saw a similar completed project done on buildings in Rockhampton. If you can help with any information, please phone President Meg Hatfield on 4698 2665 or Secretary Rob Crosato on 4698 1538.
Submitted by Jenny Gersekowski