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A Free Apple Today Won’t Keep The Easter Bunny Away

New Season apples from Stanthorpe Apples-2
New Season apples from Stanthorpe Apples

Each Thursday the Empire Theatre front lawns come alive with local farmers and producers showcasing the regions beautiful fresh produce and artisan food products. The lawns are filled with farmers, locals, live music and kids, all enjoying a ‘traditional’ way to buy your weekly groceries and becoming and engaging with the broader community.

Farmers’ market organiser, Josie Townsend said, “We have had families come here and connect and then come back each week for their children to play together. Some of our stallholders have also created long-lasting relationships with some of the professionals in town who pop in for their shopping and stay for a glass of wine and some music.”

Each week a FREE food gift is given away. This week it is a 1kg bag of Gala apples, pears or Nashi pears from our Stanthorpe Apples stand. The Giacosa family have been farming in the Granite Belt for generations and are happy to be a part of the “My Local Feast Farmers’ Markets”.  Anthony Giacosa says.

Anthony & Evelyn Giacosa
Anthony & Evelyn Giacosa at the MLF Market

“We came along before Christmas to see what these markets were about and we love them. We even have people pre-ordering produce from us which they pick up from us at the markets. The stallholders all love it; we are becoming an extended family. The atmosphere is great. Mum and dad come one week and my wife and I do the alternate week, it works really well.”

The markets also host a kids’ food activitiy each week called, “Kids in the Kitchen”, led by Kids’ Cook Pete Townsend (no relation to the drummer of The Who or Princess Margaret).
This week kids will be decorating  Jalbirri Goo Gums hard boiled eggs with painting and food construction.

The markets host stall holders from cheese makers, free range egg growers, beef, pork and turkey producers, honey, Russian biscuits, artisan bakers, chutney and fermented foods, fresh pasta and sauces made by well-known local identity †Angelo formerly from Angelo’s Restaurant, mueslis, the markets are full of great produce and products perfect for the Easter long weekend.
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Submitted by:
Josie Townsend
Market Organiser

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