Ergon’s Darling Downs Crews Tops For Safety

Darling Downs crews were dominant at Ergon Energy’s annual Field Safety Days competition in Townsville this week, taking the honours in both streams and top two positions overall.

General Manager Service Delivery Southern Paul Jordon said the results were a credit not only to the team members who attended the competition, but also their fellow crew members at their local depots who helped them qualify for the competition.

Mr Jordon said the crews competing in Townsville were the “best of the best” †chosen from the top of the rankings in Ergon Energy’s Comprehensive Safety Indicator (CSI) results.

Toowoomba team field safety day june 2014-cThe Toowoomba Communications team comprising Andrew Brown, Kyle Schmidt, Richard Kruger and Paul Harvey claimed first place in the transmission stream and overall.

The CSI results take into account safety outcomes such as injuries sustained, as well as pro-active safety measures such as on-time reporting and completion of safety visits, to measure the organisation’s safest and most professional crews.

“The Field Safety Day competition is an opportunity to reinforce our crews’ commitment to safety, while also recognising and rewarding them for their unwavering dedication to serving their local communities,” Mr Jordon said. “Regardless of the results, the greatest reward for the competing teams was that they could learn from their peers and strengthen their commitment to safety.”

ergon warwick team field safety 2014The Warwick Regional Service Delivery team of Morgan Taylor, Matt Dwan, Matt Roche and Luke Brosnan were the winners in their category and overall runners-up.

Lead judge Michael Heinemann said all teams deserved credit for being selected to represent their regions and for performing so well on the day. The crews competed in critical safety challenges designed to put their expertise to the test. Challenges included Pole Top Rescue, Switchboard Rescue, High Voltage Switching, Secondary System Isolation and CPR

“It was a very closely run race between all the teams, so well done to the boys from Toowoomba who impressed the judges in all categories and congratulations too to the team from Warwick.”

Submitted by:
Rod Rehbein
Corporate Communications Manager
Ergon Energy

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