Diabetes Week – Are You The Type?

Member for Toowoomba North Kerry Shine is encouraging Toowoomba residents to think about their risk of developing Type 2 diabetes this National Diabetes Week (11 -17 July 2010).

Mr Shine said diabetes was the fastest growing chronic disease in the state, with more than 250,000 Queenslanders living with the disease. In 2007 it was estimated 50 new cases of diabetes were diagnosed in our state each day, but if current trends persist, by 2031 this number is expected to have tripled to about 160 new diagnoses each day.” Mr Shine said.

According to Diabetes Australia Queensland, it is estimated there are currently 7800 Toowoomba residents who have been diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes – however, research suggests that for every person diagnosed, there could be another person living with the disease unaware that they have it.

This year’s National Diabetes Week theme is Don’t be the type to leave it too late which highlights the serious complications of diabetes and what can be done to prevent it.  Associated complications include chronic kidney disease, cardiovascular disease, blindness and lower limb amputation.

Mr Shine said  it is never too late to engage in healthy eating patterns and physical activity to reduce the risk of developing Type 2 Diabetes. I encourage residents to log on to the Diabetes Australia Queensland ‘Are you at risk’ website www.areyouatrisk.com.au and do a simple risk assessment to find out if they are at low, intermediate or high risk of developing Type 2 Diabetes.

Kerry Shine MP

State Member for Toowoomba North
Phone: 4638 5755  Fax: 4638 4056

Email: toowoomba.north@parliament.qld.gov.au

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