Cressbrook Dam has re-opened to the public for recreational purposes after testing shows water meets recognised safety standards.
Toowoomba Regional Council Environment and Community Portfolio Leader Cr Tim McMahon said Council has removed closure signage.
The campground at Cressbrook Dam will remain closed in line with the Queensland Government’s Roadmap to Easing COVID-19 restrictions,†Cr McMahon said. Apart from the camping ground, residents can use other barbecue and public amenities during day opening hours at Cressbrook Dam.”
Users will still need to adhere to relevant Queensland Health requirements with a maximum gathering of ten persons permitted under Stage One easing of restrictions.
If residents are considering any recreational activities, social distancing measures must be maintained.
Council thanks all residents for their very responsible actions and sensible compliance with all State and Federal Government Covid-19 directions,” Cr McMahon said.
I remind everyone to refer to the information on updated restrictions, particularly guidelines on gatherings, provided by the State Government’s lead agency Queensland Health during the pandemic.”
For more information on updated Queensland Health Guidelines on the easing of restrictions go to
TRC Water and Waste Portfolio Leader, Cr Nancy Sommerfield said Council’s Dams are a valued recreational resource, and our outdoor spaces are highly prized and well used by residents and visitors.
Council monitors the three dams weekly for algae and numerous microbiological parameters including E.coli. We also test chemical parameters such as iron, manganese, alkalinity, hardness, ammonia, nitrate, colour, turbidity and phosphate.”
Submitted by:
Michael Duff
Senior Media Relations Officer
Stakeholder Engagement and Communications
Toowoomba Regional Council