Cressbrook Dam Closed to the Public Until Further Notice

Cressbrook Dam has been closed to the public as water is running over the spillway following rain in the catchment.

Toowoomba Regional Council is following its Emergency Action Plan for Cressbrook and Perseverance Dams, which prohibits all public access when water over the spillway at Cressbrook Dam exceeds 100mm.

Overnight inflows to Cressbrook Dam on February 13th, forced the dam to spill over by 200mm by mid morning the following day(February 14). Water also is spilling over from Perseverance Dam, which flows into Lake Cressbrook.

Council is following all precautions to ensure public safety and is advising downstream residents. Vehicle access is closed at Cressbrook Gorge.

Kerri Seccombe from the Hampton Visitor Information has advice from the Rangers at Cressbrook that there is no access beyond the gates, therefore no access to boat ramp, camping ground, picnic area etc. Water has gone down about 50mm since Thursday. There is no indication at this stage when it will reopen. People can still do the tourist drive loop past the turn off and over Perseverance dam wall.

As well, the walking track from the lookout to the waterhole at Crows Nest National Park is still closed. This is due to major instability of the ground. This will be a long-term closure. This means no access to the waterhole. Swimming is possible at Kauyoo Pool, but is limited and really only suitable for kids or paddling.

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